Since we opened our processing and commercialization plant for Amazon Nut, also known as Brazil Nut, in the Madre de Dios region of Peru, we have consistently pursued excellence to do business differently—responsible and sustainable business centered around the impact of protecting and preserving the Amazon, "The lungs of the world."
In 2019, we made a radical shift from the traditional business model to adopt sustainable, eco-friendly, and environmental initiatives. This transformation aimed to safeguard the resources and biodiversity of our Peruvian Amazon for the mutual benefit of everyone involved in this beautiful business chain. In August of that same year, we joined the international T4SD Hub program, "An Integrated Solution Center for Businesses and Their Access to the Green Economy," led by the International Trade Center (ITC) and ADEX (Association of Exporters). This program is built on a rigorous methodology that ensures global access, understanding, and neutrality of information on sustainable trade standards and the green economy.
It has been over a year since we took this significant step, and the learning and benefits have been incredible. We are proud to have successfully completed the first two modules of the program (Compliance and Implementation of Voluntary Sustainability Standards and Resource Efficiency and Circular Production). With a strong desire to continue learning and implementing sustainable initiatives, we are 100% confident that we can leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
Below, we are excited to share the sustainable initiatives we have been implementing throughout more than 10 years of experience and learning.
Medimos de nuestra Huella de Carbono
Queremos un planeta con menos calentamiento global, haciendo negocios de una manera sostenible.
“Procuremos siempre que todos nuestros actos dejen una HUELLA VERDE en nuestro camino”
Medimos Nuestra Huella Hídrica
Cuidamos y re-utilizamos minuciosamente el agua utilizada en cada uno de nuestros procesos productivos.
“Cuando conservas el AGUA, conservas la VIDA”